Almost ready to go live, and being polished as we speak, we thought it was time to show you the brand new opponent finder for Beyond the Gates of Antares. With the system created by the chaps at Rumbl the team asked Warlord Games if they could go live first with Antares – and we said yes!
As we have our hands on the beta version here are a few screenshots of what to expect…

The home screen which welcomes you.
Once you get past the home screen showing the great Antares box artwork you will be taken to your personal page which holds your details as well as the results form the games you have played – wins, losses and draws.

Your personal home screen with your gaming details.
One of our favourite pages shows leaderboards for both local and international players. You and your gaming friends can use this to decide on who you want to play against next. It’s a great way to keep track of how your gaming group or club are doing locally and against everyone else playing Antares. We think this will be fascinating to see!

Local and International leaderboard.
With much more functionality available, such as being able to throw down a challenge to other players, we think the Beyond the Gates of Antares – Opponent Finder covers everything you would want as well as being very easy to use. Plans are to release later this month, May 2016, to the community. If you are in the Antares Facebook group you will be invited first shortly followed by everyone else.
We look forward to challenging you to a game of Beyond the Gates of Antares very soon…