Reply To: John’s BtGoA Blog

Home Forums Science Fiction & Fantasy Beyond the Gates of Antares John’s BtGoA Blog Reply To: John’s BtGoA Blog

John Mathews

@Mehman: Right now the Kar’A nine starter is part of the summer offensive sale. £35 and then you get one of the sale items free. It’s a good starting base as you get a small force of Concord and Algoryn. Both have great plastic troops. I’d suggest getting the Concord heavy drone as athe free item (£25value) all free shipping right now.

@Rough Rider: I went and did both shoulder pads and the knee pads and chest armor in a lighter green. It works as a good camouflage addition as it helps blend into the plants I have on the above bases. I will keep white as an idea for leaders. thanks for that as orange has been one of those difficult colors for me. Actually white has made it into the mix. Here is my NuHu, I wanted there to be something different about him as he is the next generation of evolution.
Might get some paint time shortly. Watching Black Panther with the family currently.

So question of the week (Not sure I’ll have a new one each week, but every now and then). What are you watching/listening to while you paint?