Some Trivial Questions

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    Nigel Heather


    Got the starter set as a Christmas present – not had chance to do anything other than look at the components yet – but I have three rather trivial questions

    1) The early version Vosper MTB has the hole for the mast on the starboard side. Is that correct or a design error. The built models on the Warlord website show it in a more central position.

    2) What colour dice did you get. The unboxing videos I have watched all show grey dice for the Kriegsmarine and black dice for the Royal Navy – and the small D6 are white. In my set the Kriegsmarine dice are grey but the Royal Navy ones are green (with the US Allied star) and the D6 are bright green.

    3) I buy Wargames Illustrated each month. I’ve yet to buy the Jan edition as I’m unsure whether to go for the US PT boats or the torpedo markers. The US PT looks like a more substantial and fun free gift but I have no intention of getting sucking into the Pacific theatre. So while less interesting the torpedo markers are more useful. But how many do you really need – I already have 16 in the starter pack.



    Bill McGill

    US PT boats operated in the Med and (I think) the Channel, so I’ve splashed out on some even though I have no intention of going into the Pacific either. I have plenty of Torpedoes as I have the RN and German fleet boxes and they appear in those too.


    Hi Nigel,

    1) The mast on the early Vosper MTB (Type I in the rules) was offset to the starboard side. You can see this in the MTB image on pages 4 & 5 of the rulebook. The later Vosper (Type II in the rules) has the mast slightly offset to the port side.

    2) It does sound you got American dice instead of Royal Navy dice (although those have a Commando emblem on them rather than a Royal Navy emblem). But as long as you have two different colors of dice for each side, it should be okay.

    3) As William noted, American PT boats were deployed to the Mediterranean and Channel. There were even joint operations with Royal Navy and U.S. Navy coastal forces. But if you don’t want your American PT boats, you could always send them to me. 8^)



    Wasn’t there a British MGB flotilla made up of Higgins boats?

    invisible officer

    RN got Higgins boats like PT 88, 90, 92 , 94 and used them as MTB 413 – 423.

    The models need some conversion . They are 78′ Higgins but RN used them with 1x 40 mm, 1x 20mm 4x .50 and only 2 Torpedo tubes.

    The ELCO boats of RN are earlier 77′ and 70′. Not the 80’Warlord makes.

    US Navy used Higgins in Mediteranean and ELCO ones (like PT 505) in Channel 1944

    So you can use both types in European fights.

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