late 1800 Quick Fire guns

Home Forums Historical Black Powder late 1800 Quick Fire guns

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  • #156079


    I have been contemplating how to use “Quick Fire” artillery in Black Powder. I have come up with 2 ideas so far:

    1 – Treat the die rolls as 4-3-2 instead of 3-2-1
    2 – Use a re-roll on any misses.

    I think either would work, more rounds per minute, guns easier to aim, less recoil etc….

    Any thoughts, preferences?

    Also has anyone come up with ideas for “Pom-poms” in the 2nd Boer war?



    • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by 608722CAR.

    Depends on what you are trying to simulate…

    I would use the 4-3-2 vs 3-2-1 to reflect variables like caliber, accuracy, battery size, etc.

    Then to simulate rate of fire keeping in mind that guns rarely fired at the rate they were capable of for fear of using up the ammo or over heating… allow artillery to re-roll misses when been charged…

    Just a thought…

    Mark Stanoch

    I am working on a scenario for Colenso and have come up with the following for the Boer Pom-Pom located near Fort Wylie:

    Firing stats: 3/2/1
    Range: 48”
    Jamming: using the rules for “Machine Guns” except that a jam can be overcome with a successful command roll with a Boer Staff Rating of 8.

    I haven’t playtested yet however.

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