Membership Details

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  • #158410

    Hello everyone,

    I have purchased the Warlord membership, however, I’m not sure of the requirements to get the free miniatures (particularly for March). Do I need to order so much, or any particular type of product? I sure don’t want to miss out on anything. And, thanks for the information.

    Richard Coates

    Hi Brian,

    thanks for supporting the Membership Scheme. The only thing that doesn’t count is ordering free PDFs – anything else, whether it’s Warlord products or not, for any value, counts to get the free Armoured car for March.



    So, is there a minimum amount we need to spend? I placed an order last night just in case…


    Also, when placing an order last night should I have seen something about the membership discount or the vehicle being added to the order?

    Richard Coates

    Hi Brian,

    There’s no minimum amount you need to spend to get the free sample, so long as you order something – so long as you’re a member it’s added to your first order of the month automatically. You wouldn’t see anything about it on the order – it’s added after the fact.

    For the discount however, you need to use the WARLORDMEMBER discount code to get your 10% off. If you didn’t do so, it’s worth dropping an email to customer services ( and they should be able to sort you out.

    Erik Pulkka

    Hi Richard Coats,

    I see from you post here that as a Member I need to put in a discount code WARLORDMEMBER when I place my next order. I’ve looked through the few Member emails that I’ve received sign I signed up, and none go into any detail of how our memberships work.
    I think it would be a smashing idea if Warlord was to send us Members an email explaining how our memberships will work, even if the everything is not yet in place.

    Someone at Warlord HQ must have some idea of this laid out of the Membership Program, why don’t let the Members in on the secrets?

    I have a ton of questions, and it would be nice not to have wait for them to be answered in dribs and drabs on the Forums.

    Thank you Keymaster,
    Erik Pulkka, Confused Warlord Member

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Erik Pulkka.
    Richard Coates

    Hi Eric,

    thanks for your feedback. The details of how to get the 10% discount was on the email you should have received once you had completed your order, but we are aware that some people didn’t see these emails (a significant minority seem to have got stuck in spam filters).

    There will be a members-only email going out early next week which will hopefully answer many of your questions. There has also been a FAQ added to the original launch article which may already have some of the answers you want.

    Sorry that you feel like we’re trying to keep things secret; that isn’t the intention and I’ll be working on updating the information available in your account area to provide a better level of information soon.

    In the meantime if there are specific questions you want the answers to, feel free to ask here and I’ll do my best to provide information.

    Erik Pulkka

    Hi Richard,

    Thank you for the response and information. I did find the original confirmation email in my spam folder, thank you again. I’ll look at the link for the FAQ you’ve added, and I’ll look forward to the email next week.
    I’m sure that between the FAQ link here and next weeks email my questions will all be answered.


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