Value of +STR/ACC vs +SV

Home Forums Science Fiction & Fantasy Warlords of Erehwon Value of +STR/ACC vs +SV

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    Just doing a bit of quick napkin math it seems like +1 STR/ACC is generally the equivent of 1 SV.

    I’m wondering what cases are out there that cause one attribute bonus to be superior to the other (or if I’m totally off in my math).

    Here are the ones that occurred to me:

    SV is going to be better when attacking Monstrosities with Res higher than 10 since it will allow results from the entire damage chart.

    If rerolls are involved they make their corresponding stat adjustment better. 1 SV is better than +1 STR against a model that is Tough and +1 ACC will be better against a Down unit than 1 SV is.

    Ranged attacks will tend to favor +ACC over SV since they deal a pin as long as there is a hit, even if it doesn’t end up causeing damage.


    Doug, this has the potential to do my head in. Of course it could be easier if you knew which units you were going to do battle with but might count against you if you prepare a Warband expecting particular opposition and a different enemy turn up. Looking at dwarven axes (axe, big axe, bloominmg big axe) the “better” weapons sometimes cost more, are less likely to hit but cause serious damage when they do. Part of the fun is deciding which options to go for.


    This started with me trying to figure out if there is any reason that I should take a Big Bloomin’ Axe over a Halberd (I don’t think there is unless the unit is going to have Heavy Armor and then its pretty much a wash) and whether it makes sense to pay 1 point per model to upgrade from bows to crossbows (I think it probably doesn’t but all the dwarfs models I have with ranged weapons have crossbows).


    Personally I think crossbows and bbas are worth the upgrade cost, the former because of the range and SV and the latter because of the SV.


    Halberds (+1 STR, 2 SV) seem like they are almost always going to be a better choice than a BBA (3 SV, Heavily Laden). Even on a unit with Heavy Armor that already has Heavily Laden it seems like having a modification to both the hit roll and the damage roll is probably a mild advantage.

    Crossbows and Bow are a little harder to compare. When using a Fire Order to shoot (which is the only way that a Crossbow can shoot) the 1 SV from the Crossbow is essentially the same as the +1 ACC that the bow gets on any shot up to 20”. The Crossbow does have the ability to shoot out to 30” but it gives up the option to move and fire on the same order that Bows have. It seems like the Crossbow should be a side-grade to a Bow instead of an upgrade that costs an additional point.

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