MiG Alley preview \ musings

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  • #164143
    Cat Shot One

    Thanks for the insight, Renko. I’m looking forward to the box.
    I agree with your preference for plastic or resin. I have the plastic Hurricanes, Bf 110s and Fw 190s and they are very nice. However, the Hurris and the Fw 190s had a lot of planes with “sinkholes” among them. So there is a quality issue that would need to be solved.

    I’m surprized to see that this 4 plane box will be priced as the usual 6 plane boxes. Are the models much larger than there prop cousins?

    Do you know if/what Bolt Action Korea will contain for using them? (number of scenarios?)

    Cat Shot One

    Another thing that bugs me: Some of the newer aircraft cards have a roundel, some don’t. There seems to be no design consistency in this regard. It’s even different for the two birds in this common box.


    Thanks a lot for your article.
    I have to admit that even if the Korean conflict is not one I have interest in, the fact that the box includes both faction make me consider buying it.

    I’m with you regarding the metal topic.


    The models themselves are very nice too, and I can see them being easy to paint (silver anyone?). Warlord are persisting with metal which has some problems associated with how they balance on the Advantage bases. They really need to be plastic or resin.

    So these new planes are metal casting instead of plastic? That stinks.


    I think the mig alley set is pretty darn cool. Better yet, it’s great how they’ve made the rules compatible with the base game. Maybe one day (in the far future) we’ll even get a WWI BRS expansion!

    However, I agree with everyone on the issues with metal models. I’ve never really liked metal because of the weight and that it’s more difficult to paint. But with this game the weight is more than an inconvenience, it creates a functional issue with the game.

    My plan is to buy all the plastic models that warlord releases. But as far as the metal ones? I think I’ll pick up ace packs for the cards and then buy resin models from armaments in miniature. It’s unfortunate because it’s an inconvenience to try to get ahold of all the cards, to modify the models to fit on the bases, and I’d rather support warlord, but metal really is a deal breaker for me. Maybe one day they’ll get this game entirely over to plastic.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Jesse.

    I have to agree with the sentiments about metal – and I am doing exactly the same – buying an Ace and using AIM models. I understand WHY Warlord went with metal, but it’s just not worth the hassle for me using them. In this case, and the Johnny Red set I did \ will buy metal, but only for the cards and bits.

    Warlord know this is an issue. I’m hoping that the switch to resin for SPQR will also lead to a switch to resin for BRS


    Here’s a link for some more details about the new MiG Alley expansion.


    Interesting review.
    Thanks for sharing.

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