Moving through a friendly unit

Home Forums Historical Hail Caesar Moving through a friendly unit

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  • #167041

    You have a elephant, and directly to its front is a sub-unit of light infantry in close order.

    The elephant wishes to charge an enemy, with the sub unit moving into support. Assumming he gets a good enough order roll, can he move the elephant and the sub unit forwards, with the sub unit going into open order, then do a second move where the elephant charges through the open order sub unit, which then follows up into supporting position, retuning to close order?

    Charge The Guns

    It does sound a bit like a high skilled motorcycle display team 😄. As the elephant and infantry are doing different things I’d say you had to make two different orders.

    It probably comes down to if you think units actually coordinated as slickly as this on the battlefield. To me it seems unlikely, especially with elephants.

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