Melee confusion

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    Mike Mayes

    If I understand the latest FAQ correctly (and I may not). Only models that make contact will enter close combat.

    Therefore, it is possible to end close combat by eliminating those in contact. (BTW what is the rule for figure removal?). Can you overwhelm an enemy by encircling them on 2nd and subsequent rounds of melee?

    Does a phalanx break if it starts wrapping around the flank of an enemy unit if all other criteria are still met?

    Sorry if I am overthinking this but it appears that something which was simple May now have become complicated.



    In Melee you remove models from the back of a unit first. At range I believe it’s reversed – you remove models from the side of the unit closest to the shooter.

    Paul tysoe

    I agree Mike the FAQ reverses the original concept of all figures fighting, its a sticking plaster solution to a more engrained issue.

    INHO the system needs volunteers to playtest the issues, its resolvable but the current approach of FAQs will not I believe solve this games foibles.

    Im sure there are enough of us keen to make this system work, Warlord just seek expressions of interest from the wargaming community to feed back ideas to stem the tide of frustration. 🙂


    Wow! That’s a pretty big rule change. Thanks for drawing attention to it.
    I’ll see how that affects things.
    Good idea to get a group to try to sort out SPQR but I am getting a bit disillusioned: I’m old enough to remember when rule sets were tested before they were published…


    I play Gaul/Briton and like the new Melee changes. It makes combat less mindless and, while hordes of soldiers are still going to be the better option, things seem more balanced and small unit armies (like Romans) seem to fair much better in the new system. Not to mention it makes multi-unit combats more sensible – no longer can my unit of 30 Gauls attack every unit it touches with all 30 of its models.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Nathan.

    I agree, I think melee makes more sense now. Also, more tactical when planning a charge to make sure you get as many models in as possible and who gets the charging bonus makes more sense now.


    Just had my first game using the new melee rules and the game does play a lot better now. I would like a little clarity on how it affects the phalanx but I assume that deciding when to break the phalanx to engage more enemies is left to the player.


    I need to know the official ruling on the errata on Melee and how it affects the Phalanx! My warband build hangs in the balance!

    Larry Brasington

    Got a couple of questios:
    Just tried my first play through. I am confused about the parry thing. If I have a large shield and 10 warriors they can block/parry 30 times?
    So the attacked who rolls 8 hits I can make him reroll 3 times? Or once. Rule seems really unclear.
    In other words how many times can I force a re-roll from an attack either range or melee?


    You get up to 30 rerolls, but each dice can only be rerolled once. So, in the case you mention, your opponent rerolls all eight hits once and that’s it.
    Though the shield actually only gives two parries….

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