What units are legal in the Generic Platoons

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action What units are legal in the Generic Platoons

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  • #167786
    Thomas Schumacher


    Is it possible to publish a list of the units that are allowed in a Generic Platoon? This is strictly for people to know what is legal in a Generic platoon for Tournaments. This would help TO’s with checking Army List when they are submitted. Plus if a TO does not have all the books it would be a great check. This could easily be kept as a doc on the Warlord site and be updated quickly when a new Campaign Book is released.

    I have noticed that Easy Army does not remove the units that are limited to specific campaign books and in fact does not have all the units listed.



    Stuart Harrison

    You’re highly unlikely to get anything like that – this was the “official” line from the FAQ/Errata (at the end of the bit on FAQ/Errata for theatre and campaign books):

    “For this reason, when organising a Bolt Action tournament, we recommend to choose armies from the ‘Armies of’ series of books only (as well as this Errata & FAQs PDF and the Additional Units PDF). The other books are more suitable for themed campaign days and other non-competitive events. Of course, organisers are free to add more books/armies/units to their tournaments, as long as they are ready to resolve any rules queries that might arise on the day.”


    not sure what you mean. i was told the good man who runs easy army checks with warlord if and which units are legal in the generic reinforced selectors, before including them.

    correct me if im wrong – i have actually always wondered this too.

    (of course there are some issues, as a lot of units may be available, but if you check their campaign book entry they may have other restrictions that are not reflected in EA. This could for example be a unit of X that may be only fielded if you also have Y – something that easy army generally will not reflect. In this case you’d be building an illegal list that someone in the know may call out and cause some issues at a tourney for you)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Felix.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Felix.

    Easy army is a great resource but not rules.It’s got a lot of issues both inaccuracies and ommissions. I know Greg who runs it does his best but the campaign books are a right mixed bag.

    Also unless he’s got a means of checking with Alessio thne the Warlord replies to rules queries can be ‘variable’ in quality.

    For a TO it’s up to them to define what they want, for anyone else as theatre books are by agreement then you need to be talking to your opponent beforehand.

    Thomas Schumacher


    Thanks. Easy Army is a great tool, but as stated, not part of the rules. I am just looking for a updated list of what is allowed in a Generic Platoon. I understand the statement in the FAQ/Errata, but if they are going to publish a Campaign book with units that they list are allowed in a Generic Platoon, then it is up to Warlord as the publisher to at least provide a updated list of what is and isn’t allowed. Just my thoughts. Just would be nice to have that support from Warlord as a TO.



    I feel you bud.

    unfortunately new campaign books are not reviewed and streamlined (or balanced). So they will use different powerlevels and wording all day long. Some will be very specific as to what units will be allowed in general play, some will be vague at best, others will not say anything to that end at all.

    The typical tournament setup reads something like this:
    1000 points
    up to two generic reinforced selector (armies of x books only)
    no named characters
    no experimental units (planes etc)
    no tank platoons
    no theatre selectors

    Of course this is a well intended statement, but one that glosses over all the myriad of units that were published in other books and are specifically allowed to be taken in generic reinforced selectors.
    Are they legal or are they not as they are not from the ‘armies of X’ books.
    Further what to make of all the units that do not detail when they may be taken and when not. like inteligence officers.
    Or those that state something odd like ‘may be taken as an infantry option in a reinforced platoon from the BA rulebook’ – which in fact is not allowed if your army has gotten a ‘armies of book’. So what does that mean? its only legal in the theatre its published in, and for those few who really do play with the lists provided from the rulebooks? or did the author make a ‘small’ error in calling the ‘armies of X’ books the ‘rulebooks’? nobody knows 😀

    I think to be sure you should write the list of the questionable units you’re thinking of bringing and sending them to the TO’s for review. They have the ultimate say anyhow.
    I did that to see if some of my conversions and 48th scale vehicles were legal tender at big tournaments. easy peasy, but again, the organized competitve me feels your pain.
    I wish it was more clear in competitive setting whats green lit and what isnt.

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