
Home Forums Historical Hail Caesar Huns

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  • #170690

    A couple of my friends are collecting Late Roman/Early Byzantine, and I am thinking that a Hunnic army could be a nice opponent for them.

    I would like to go with Plastics (28mm), but there does not seem to be much if anything around. Does anyone have any suggestions?


    Big Al

    The only plastics that might do is the Fireforge Mongols. They would pass and may need a head swap here and there.

    Kris Dray

    I would agree with the comment above about Fireforge, but their weapons are very robust.

    A combination of Gripping Beast, Aventine, Essex and Wargames Foundry could make a historically accurate but metallic army. There are some lower quality plastics listed by the Plastic Soldier Review. You would have a better time finding plastic Goths, I think, but since the Turks and Arabs pretty much put an end to Byzantium you might look in that direction. Good luck!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Kris Dray.
    invisible officer

    The mentioned Mongols are a possible base. You need other shields. The typical Hun swords was straight.

    There are other things but for most Westerners they would look alike.


    Thanks for the replies all!

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