Seljuk Turk List

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  • #171310

    Just noticed, in teh Seljuk Turk list, the Turcoman light cavalry and one unit of Askari are noted as being “Fierce Fighters” at a cost of 1 point. I can’t find this in the rules. Should it actually be “Tough Fighters”?

    Big Al

    According to Mr Priestley on the old forum and Yahoo Group, Fierce Fighters should have been Wild Fighters, not Tough. Apparently, he had one of those moments when writing the rule and used the wrong word.


    Thank You. Doesn’t that make them 22 points rather than 20 though – 5+3+2+2+1(Morale)+4+2(small cavalry)+3(Wild Fighters)?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by arcole.
    Big Al

    No, you’ve got it wrong. The Turcoman light cavalry stat is 5+3+2+2+1(6+ morale save)+4(stamina)+3(Wild Fighters) = 20 points as listed. You’ve added in +2 for being a small unit, which you don’t do. That is reflected in the stat line already. A larger unit would have a higher stat line.
    For an example, look over the page at the Feudal French list. There you will see units of archers have the option to be small units with the appropriate reductions in the stat line and therefore, the appropriate reduction in points.


    Hi Al,

    Going by that then, shouldn’t the Seljuk Turk light cavalry be 19 rather than 21 points? The only difference between them and the Turcomans is that the Seljuk’s have feigned flight, whilst the Turcoman have Wild fighters?



    Big Al

    Looks like you are right. I really don’t know because I never use points. I don’t usually use the lists, either, unless a friend insists upon it. It could be an error, but I couldn’t tell you which entry is the wrong points number. For that you would need Rick to respond and I don’t know that he looks at these forums.

    Sorry that I can’t be more helpful.


    Hi Al,

    Thanks for that. At least you were able to confirm that I there was an inconsistency, so I am not going mad!

    I do not think it is too major an issue, as when we use the lists we allow a little but of movement given that the points system is only supposed to set a rough comparison.




    I thik I have worked this out now.

    Wild Fighters is typically applied to units wuch as Celtic/German warbands who get to reroll 3 dice on their first melle of the day. However, in the description the number of rerolls can be 1 or 2 dice instead. If you make the Turcoman cavalry Wild Fighters 1 for 1 point then the points cost matches the lists, and it stops the Turcomen from being rather gross light cavalry.



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