Marder III assembly

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    I am assembling a marder III M but, like others warlord models, they sent without istruction. Where have to go pieces in this pics? The four pieces I think is tow hooks, but the tube?

    Nigel Heather

    One of my pet hates, not just Warlord Games, but most white metal and resin miniature manufacturers think it is okay to give you a load of parts without any instructions. I have struggled sometimes with even simple things like an AT gun or motor.

    I have even emailed Warlord before and got no response which stinks of “don’t ask me because I don’t have a clue either, I just sell the stuff”.

    Anyway, the tow hooks (you are correct) will go on the lower front and rear chassis, the point faces upwards.

    The tube may be the exhaust which goes on the rear under the rear door.

    You can just about make out the parts on the photos here.

    Again, Warlord don’t make it easy for their customers in that their website design does not allow you to zoom in on the photos.

    But it is not just Warlord – for example, got the Army Painter wet palette for Christmas – no instructions, I have emailed them twice, no response and I have telephoned them, don’t answer, just voicemail which they don’t respond to. Again I suspect it is a case of “that question is too difficult”.



    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nigel Heather.

    I think yoy are speaking of brown tube in the rear (on warlord photos). But that brown tube is already there in resin. So I don’t know what is this metal tube

    Nigel Heather

    Okay, that is the exhaust, brown because the paint quickly burnt off and then they rusted, will think some more.



    Nigel Heather

    It goes under the exhaust.

    You can see it at 8:23 in this youtube video

    and you can just make it out in the warlord games photos – would be easier if they let you zoom in.

    Mind you can’t see that in any real photos or on proper scale models – I think it is another one of Warlord Games’s imagined features – like they have done on their Soviet 45mm AT gun that I have just built.



    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nigel Heather.


    I’m looked on old photos but I don’t saw this tube.

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