Team Weapon Loader Position Requirements

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  • #174328

    When a team weapon is added to an infantry squad, does the loader have to stay within 1 inch of the weapon? For example, if I use a two man flamethrower team, I know the loader has to stay within 1 inch because it is only a 2 man team. However, if I add the flamethrower to an engineer squad, another man becomes the loader. If the squad then moves forward to fire and the flamethrower and NCO with sub machine gun try to get closest to the target to insure they are in range, but the designated loader is now at the other end of the squad, is that allowed? I don’t see anything in the rules saying where the loader has to be relative to the team weapon when he is part of a larger squad.


    Yes because the weapon has the team rule not the Team… IF the loader isnt in 1″ then the weapon suffers a -1 to hit….there is no exception to the weapon being in a squad of 3+

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nat.

    Makes sense. Thanks.

    Stuart Harrison

    Note also that you must keep that loader “within an inch of the weapon-carrying model at all times” it’s not optional – the bit about suffering a -1 to hit is a consequence if he is dead or not within 1″ due to reasons beyond your control, not an opportunity to maximise your firepower with other weapons.

    Eric T Holmes

    While it’s not stated, if the “loader” is used to fire his weapon or used in an assault, does the squad team weapon still suffer the -1 to hit? YMMV

    Stuart Harrison

    There is no option stated to have a choice in letting him fire and taking the penalty.

    If the team weapon fires, he doesn’t. It’s that straightforward – “When the team weapon is fired, the loader cannot fire his own personal weapon – he is too busy crewing the team weapon.”

    The penalty is there for when it is impossible for him to act as crew – either due to being dead or due to being out of position (which can only occur due to circumstances beyond your control otherwise you’re not complying with the requirement to keep the loader within 1″), not as an exploitable option.

    Re the following “…used in an assault…” – You’re not firing team weapons in an assault, both the gunner and loader fight normally in an assault, 1 attack each, there is no roll to hit in close quarters so any -1 to hit penalty would be totally irrelevant.

    Eric T Holmes

    Stuart, thanks.

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