Richard Winters

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Richard Winters

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    Jacob Carter

    I just got the Battleground Europe scenario book and saw that there was a unit listing that would allow players to field Winters in the game. I’m mainly building an airborne army for my US faction, so the ability to do that is really enticing for large point games. Does anyone know how many order dice he can give out with “snap to action”? His morale bonus +4 and I’d assume that’d put his “snap to” at the level of Major but I don’t know for sure.

    Greg S

    The special characters were written long before Snap to Action existed in the game. Personally I’d assume he worked like a major given his +4 bonus and 12″ command radius.

    Master Chief

    There is a cheaper version of Captain Winters in the Market Garden book (see attached screenshot). At 150pts with rank Captain, his morale bonus is +3 at 12in, and 3 Snap to Action dice.


    Do you know where to purchase this mini? That warlord sell for a limited time period (I think in 2014)


    The limited Ed. models are sold with the physical books direct from warlord…

    I think he was with the battle of the bulge campaign book – so when that went sold out so was he… which means ebay /2nd hand sales only.

    Master Chief

    I believe the Richard Winters mini was a 2014 Historicon special (see link below). In May 2019 Warlord also gave it as a free gift for members making a purchase. Perhaps they had a few left over from 2014.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Master Chief.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Master Chief.
    Master Chief

    There is also a Speirs mini available for purchase by Warlord members. The stats for Speirs are in the Battle of the Bulge book (see attached screenshot).

    Greg S

    Warlord offered Spiers and Winters a few years ago. I can’t remember how, but I had him and ebayed him since no-one I know plays US paras.

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