Units and transports in reserve. Independent or bound?

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Units and transports in reserve. Independent or bound?

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  • #174722

    Hi, while playing we encountered the following question:
    How to handle units in transports which are held in reserve?
    Which rules do apply here?
    Do you have to tie units and their transports together and these can not be untied until both together have managed to enter the table?
    Or is it possible to “unload” a squad from a transport in case the transport failed its order test to enter the table and then get the formerly loaded squad on the table without its transport?

    Thank you very much in advance.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Andi.

    the troops in the transport must be defined before the start of the game. Then if the test fails, your transport and its onboard infantry is blocked with”down”.You cannot separate your troops from its transport in the “reserve” phase

    Greg S

    Always a good idea to have an officer in you transport in reserve to help with the order test to enter.

    Also don’t use inexperienced transports in reserve, just to save a few points. I learned that the hard way. 🙂


    Thank you very much. We already tended to play it that way. But as the rules book is not clear on this, where is it stated clearly? Is this tournament rule or did it get faqed and we missed it in the FAQ?

    Stuart Harrison

    P132, Playing a Game of Bolt Action, Scenarios, Scenario Special Rules, Reserves, last para before the outflanking manoeuvre sub heading.

    First sentence is provision to have infantry and artillery mounted in transports in reserve, second sentence is requirement to indicate you’re doing it at setup.

    There is no provision for changing that indication or somehow dismounting while in reserve before that transport arrives from reserve.

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