German NCO, Initiative training and weapons

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    How to handle NCO’s in German squads regarding Panzerfausts, LMG loader and initiative training?
    First, are NCO’s allowed to have a Panzerfaust, in case the squad is allowed to carry such?
    Imagine a dual LMG squad consisting of 5 models. Two LMG’s, two loaders and the NCO. In case NCO’s are not allowed to carry a panzerfaust from the beginning and the NCO is killed but replaced by another model from the squad, a loader which was carrying a Panzerfaust. Does this model drop the Panzerfaust when it becomes the new NCO?
    In case one of the former loaders becomes the new NCO does it now count as a Loader and NCO or is the new NCO not allowed to serve as a Loader?


    Going off memory here*… none of the above, it’s when you lose the NCOs you roll a dice and on a 2+ you ‘promote’ another model…ie remove the other model and leave the NCOs behind

    *unable to get to my copy of the German book

    Greg S

    From the rule:

    To represent this leave the NCO in place and remove any other model instead (it is assumed the new ‘squad leader’ swaps his weapons with the ones carried by the NCO, if different).

    So if the NCO has a rifle, and the guy replacing him has an SMG and Panzerfaust, he drops them and grabs the rifle. 😮

    Greg S

    Just to add, in a Grenadier squad the Panzerfausts can only be given to ‘men’, ie not the NCO.


    Thank you.
    The weapon swap is described in the armies book and clear for your example,swaping the SMG for the rifle. The question for the Panzerfaust had aroused as this is not the main weapon but an additional one.
    In case NCO’s are never allowed to carry a Panzerfaust, this is a second rule to prevent them having one after the former NCO has been hit and is then beeing replaced.
    So the Faust is dropped when the holder becomes the new NCO.

    But what is it with the LMG loaders? Can a loader become new NCO and still serve as a loader? Or are NCO’s doing nothing but NCO things?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Andi.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Andi.
    Greg S

    But what is it with the LMG loaders? Can a loader become new NCO and still serve as a loader? Or are NCO’s doing nothing but NCO things?

    I think, since you are removing the loader model and leaving the NCO model on the table, the NCO abandons the gunner to take charge of the squad.

    Imagine in a 10-man squad spread out in a line, LMG at one end, NCO at the other. If the NCO gets hit and you elect to substitute the loader, the ex-loader-now-NCO is suddenly at the other end of the line.


    The rule is basically a 2+ to remove someone (and their rules &equipmemet) instead of the NCO

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