Experience Rules for Infantry and Artillery

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Experience Rules for Infantry and Artillery

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    I was reading ‘Academy of Streetfighting’ last night which has options for naming your dudes and giving them personality, and thinking back to ‘Tank War,’ which has rules for XP for your tanks and wondering if XP rules existed for infantry and artillery units as well.  I think it’d be a nifty option to be able to have more narrative campaigns with Replacements that would have Morale penalties and specific veterans with Morale bonuses and the like.

    Also, shameless self-promotion: Come and join a bunch of us on Discord where we have an Unofficial Warlord Server to help facilitate interpersonal communication during the lockdowns and talk about the various games.


    Dont think there are any…. but hay people have got time on their hands to make up a campaign pack that allows this!


    All players start with a generic platoon, with equipment /unit limitations to 1939 then you get so many XP per unit for suriving a game, kills, completing objectives etc which can then be spent to upgrade the unit

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