HE vs buildings

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  • #176645

    Got confused about this, so any help welcome.

    (1) stationary tank fires HE at troops in building. They don’t go Down. Tank hits on 3+. Right?

    (2) as above but troops go Down. A further -2 to hit ? And half hits.

    (3) as (1)  but troops go down after being hit. Half hits.

    Am I right ?


    Thanks in advance .



    Master Chief

    The Bolt Action Errata has the correction below:

    Page 124-125, HE weapons against buildings. The second and third paragraph will be changed to read as follows:

    This means that when rolling to hit you ignore any to-hit penalties for cover. All other modifiers apply as normal – for example, Down in this case might represent the unit hiding in the building and if the enemy misses the shot, this might represent them not having taken the shot at all, and instead still be searching for the target (and similarly a small team is more difficult to spot inside a building…).

    If you score a hit, this means that the shell has managed to find – or make – an opening. The unit inside that floor of the building suffers a number of hits equal to the ‘damage in buildings’ value in the HE chart for that shell (D3, D6, 2D6 or 3D6). If the unit is Down (units in buildings can react by going Down as normal when targeted by HE), the hits are halved as normal, rounding up. When hit by […]


    I believe the target has to declare it is going down before the attacker rolls to hit as in a normal shot.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Master Chief.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Master Chief.

    yeah you declare down as a reaction, when the to-hit die has been rolled its to late to make a reaction.

    The only exception to this is IIRC is prelimary bombardment when you get to decleare your going down after the roll to see if the unit is hit but before the template is placed….


    Nope I didnt recall correctly… its not prelimary bombardment – its the artillery bombardment from a Forward Observer, and even then its once they are determined to be in range but before you roll to see if the unit is hit (FAQ page 9)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Nat.
    Paul Nettle

    Talking of Preparatory Bombardment, the rules say a unit hit takes 1 automatic hit.  In my club, when the bombardment hits an infantry group we use a 4-inch template and any models under the template take a hit.  Are we doing this right, or do infantry units just take a single hit?


    @paul – on Preparatory Bombarment.  There is nothing in the rules about using a template so its just 1 hit. (the rules only talk about 2 man units taking 50% casualties but not biger units, so yeah 1 hit is just that 1 person getting hit)

    Paul Nettle

    Many thanks for that – I assumed it was a heavy shell coming down!  But if it is only one hit then Prep Bombardments are not bad really.

    Greg S

    No Prep bombardment isn’t bad.  Until you get that one hit on a kubelwagon with the officer on board. 🙂

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