German PAK 36 Gun Shield

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  • #178629
    Nigel Heather

    I know, it’s just a gaming piece, I’m being too pedantic …..

    I have just attached the gun shield to the gun of my Blitzkrieg PAK 36 and as soon as it set I looked at it and thought “that shield looks far too vertical”.

    So off to google to look at pictures and sure enough they all show the gun shield with much more of a backward slope.

    Maybe I assembled it incorrectly so I check the Warlord Games shop – no their example has a near vertical shield too.

    But then I noticed their Afrika Korps PAK 36 and the shield on that has the correct backwards slope.

    The shield fits securely in a more vertical position on my model so I don’t think I have fitted it incorrectly, besides it matches the photos on the WG web site.

    Many questions buzzing

    1) Is the Afrika Korps model a different mould  – I doubt it

    2) Did whoever built the Afrika Korps example notice and make modifications

    3) Did the shield elevate with the gun – I don’t think it did

    4) Was the design of the real gun changed after the early war




    invisible officer

    Hmmm, I did the Blitzkrieg one at it had the correct angle.


    From the photos on the Walord site often it is not clear how some pieces are mounted. I remember that I had the same problem with pak36. I don’t remember if I forced anything or just glued it with the correct angle

    Nigel Heather

    That looks good – mine looks more like the one on the Warlord Games site

    Did the gun shield on your model naturally fall into that position or did you have to manipulate it?




    invisible officer

    I did nothing extra, so yes, it fell into position.

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