One man turret – rule question

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    Rule question here : regarding the german FLAMMPANZER B2 (F).

    In the german codex, it says that – One-man turret: Combining the roles of commander, gunner and loader together and squeezing the man responsible into a one-man turret means it’s hard to do different things at once! To represent this it is always necessary to take an order test when issuing an Advance order, even if the tank is not pinned.
    In addition, you can fire either the main gun or the rear-mounted machine gun, but not both in the same turn.

    This last sentence confuses me, as the tank does not have a rear-mounted machine gun, only a coaxial MMG, which could not be used at the same time as the light tank gun anyway (because its coaxial).
    Would the “main gun” represent the hull mounted flammethrower? So the correct rule would be In addition, you can fire either the flammethrower or the turret’s weapons, but not both in the same turn.

    Thanks for the help

    Master Chief

    The “main gun” refers to its turret mounted light AT gun. I do think the “rear-mg” is a typo and should refer to its co-axial mg, but then the rule will be redundant since it is always the case that a tank can only fire its main gun or co-axial mg.


    Yes the “rear-mg” is clearly a typo.

    So you think the rule is just redundant and no attention should be paid to the last sentence?

    “In addition, you can fire either the main gun or the rear-mounted machine gun, but not both in the same turn.”

    Master Chief

    I found the entry in the Battleground Europe book, and attach the screenshot. The last sentence is removed.

    Master Chief

    The attached screenshot is from the more recent Overlord book.

    Stuart Harrison

    Looks like a cut and paste error by the author of AoG – using the version of the rule from AoIJ instead of AoFatA.


    Duly noted, thank you for your time and precisions.

    Couldn’t help to notice that in your pasted screenshot, the tank is worth 20 extra points!

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Christian.
    Master Chief

    Haha I gather that’s because it can fire its mmg (360°) and burn any infantry in its front arc at the same time 😂


    Haha yeah that’s pretty strong, along with the all armored rounds.
    Gotta be willing to pay the price tho 😉

    Stuart Harrison

    “Couldn’t help to notice that in your pasted screenshot, the tank is worth 20 extra points!”

    Compare the weapons – Battleground Europe version has a medium AT, AoG has a light AT.  Light AT is consistent with the Char B1 entry in AoFatA.

    Master Chief

    Good point Stuart, I didn’t notice that. I attach screenshots from the Armies of Germany and Armies of France and Allies books. The French version has an additional hull mmg and a hull howitzer instead of flamethrower, hence cost 10 points more.

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