HQ unique?

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  • #179736

    Hello all,

    If I have a large force with say 2 platoons, can I but stuff in the HQ part of the army twice over?

    e.g.If I have 3 platoons could I have, in theory, a medic in each?

    Or is the HQ considered as being once per army?




    Each platoon must have a junior field officer (lieutant) and can have a senior field officer (captain or Major)…. yes this means you could have 2 majors in 2 platoons…. :\  Or as you said 3 medics in 3 platoons.


    Its only the characters (and they are all in the top secret call out boxes and are opponents consent) & Free units who are limited to 1 per army – ie the British FAO, french AT gun or the Russian infantry squad


    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Nat. Reason: mentioned free units limitation

    Cheers Nat (again)

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