New Player Question

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    Hi all, I’m looking at getting back into Napoleonic period and looking for a suitable rule set. I used to play very big games using 15mm and General de Brigade rules, but now really want to stick to 28mm, using approx 10 inf regiments,3-4 cavalry regiments and a couple of gun batteries per side.

    Will Black Powder suit that sort of game level?

    I play a lot of Bolt Action so would like to stick with Warlord if suitable.

    Any advice will be gratefully received.




    A 500 point game is taking us at the chelmsford bunker about 3-4  hours of game time…but we’re still learning the game


    now I have a 1K army based on the French army of Portugal at the battle of Vimero planed that looks like this

    5 x infantry brigades with 4 battalions of light infantry, 1 x Swiss, 2 x large line, 2 x combined grenadier (purchased) and 5 normal line

    1 x cavalry brigade of 3 dragoons and a Chasseur d’Cheval

    3 x foot artillery and 1 horse artillery battery.


    To play that force I’d be looking at a relaxed day session of a game around a mates house with a couple of beers!


    EDIT – I’m currently painting up the 500 point version

    2nd Div – 1st Bde – 2 x Light Infantry, 1 x large Line, attached 1 foot artillery battery

    2nd Bde – 1 large & 1 normal Line

    Cavalry – 2 x Dragoon + 1 x Chasseur De Cheval


    EDIT 2 – in response to the post below about no army lists….the above force is pointed from Albion Triumphant 1 – the peninsular war supplement list.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Nat.
    Big Al

    Black Powder will meet your needs very well with those sort of forces.

    There  isn’t a points system anymore. There was a rudimentary one in v1 if the rules but no army lists. Since then, some supplement books for the period have been released and contain pointed armies. The supplements have some suggestions for alternative rules but were written for v1, though they are compatible with v2. The supplements have a number of scenarios, too.


    The scenario books for General de Brigade work well with Black Powder, too, so if you have those, you’ll get plenty of use from them.


    Thanks for the info, I’ll order the rule book and have a look.



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