Indirect Fire against open-topped

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  • #186788

    Dear Comrades,

    The questions today is …

    A medium mortar rolls a 6 and hits an open- topped vehicle. How do I proceed now?

    Penetration is 2 plus penetration bonus open part is +1 so equals 3.

    The armor is 7, this means that a dice getting a 4 (+3) is superficial damage and with a 5 or 6 roll it gets penetration damage?

    Is this correct? How and when do I apply the the damage +1 penalty. I remember that the open-topped had a double penalty, right?

    And does it make any sense to have to penetrate a vehicle that is hit in the open part???

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Steiner.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Steiner.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Steiner.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Steiner.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Steiner.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Steiner.
    Stuart Harrison

    The penetration bonus is not due to it being open topped, it is due to the indirect shot hitting top armour.  Top armour plus the HE2″ pen gives you a total of +3, so 4 on the D6 equals your armour giving superficial damage, 5 or 6 gives full damage.  Being open-topped vs damage from indirect fire gives a +1 on the damage results chart.

    The double penalty mentioned is that +1 from top armour on the roll to damage and the +1 from being open topped on the damage results roll – penalties on two rolls rather than a double penalty on any one roll.



    So, imagine that you roll 4, +2 penetration, +1 top part of the vehicle= 7

    It matches the vehicle armor, this means superficial damage.

    Now we roll for damages, with a -3 for superficial and a +1 for second open-topped penalty. We roll a 6, so 6 -3 +1 = 4 The vehicle is still knock out despite being a superficial damage.

    Is this correct?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Steiner.
    Stuart Harrison

    Yes.  There is nothing in the rules preventing that +1 changing a ‘superficial’ result into a knocked out – I’d say the vehicle is probably salvageable but the crew… not so much.


    Also if it’s open topped close assault is devastating one hit kills took out a flamer armed universal carrier with a medic after it cremated my HJs figured he was angry and ex-eastern front so not so much a non-combatant 🤣

    Stuart Harrison

    @Ipaintedmine – Re “one hit kills took out a flamer armed universal carrier”

    Just to be clear, it’s not a hit that spells doom for the open topped vehicle.  You still have to actually score damage with that hit (D6 plus the number of hits scored).  If your roll to damage is successful, you don’t need to roll on the damage results chart for soft skins and open topped vehicles in close quarters.

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