Snap to order between officers, possible??

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    Likely been asked before, although so many posts here I can’t seem to find an answer. Can one officer use his ‘Snap to…’ order ability to activate another officer, who in turn can use their own ‘Snap to…’ ability on other units?

    I had a game where I had a Captain and used his ‘Snap to…’ ability. I decided to use on a couple of squads but also wanted to use to activate a 1st Lieutenant. As a result I wondered if I could use  his ‘Snap to…’ ability on a couple more other squads further down the line and out of range of the Captain.

    We couldn’t find clarification on this and so decided I couldn’t do it, but it felt right to me as it was senior officer ordering a lower officer, and surely my choice to blow my load in one go if I wish (and thus hand dice advantage over to the opponent for the rest of the turn)

    Is this possible?

    Also, with ‘Snap to…’ I like to use it to activate squads to pile into assault, however I think I’ve been playing it correctly that you have to move and activate one unit and resolve Close Assault with them before moving onto the next unit who will then be used to close assault or whatever’s best at the time. I want to be able to bum-rush a target unit with 2 or more squads using ‘Snap to…’ seeing as the extra dice are being pulled at the same time, but fairly sure this is not correct and so have been playing one unit at a time. Is this correct?

    Stuart Harrison

    FAQ response:

    “When allocating orders out by using an officer’s ‘You men, snap to
    action’ special ability, can I allocate Order dice to other officers’ teams
    within range? If so, can these other officers also then in turn use their
    ‘You men, snap to action’ special ability to order more units within
    range (including potentially other officers and so on?)?

    Yes, you can”

    Worth downloading the FAQ/Errata if you don’t already have it.


    It sort of goes against the rules as written, but what we do in my gaming club is that officer teams can give orders to other officer teams of lower rank, but officer teams cannot give orders to other officer teams of higher rank. That is, a lieutenant cannot order a captain, but a captain can order a lieutenant.

    Yes, I know the FAQ does not explicitly say this, but this is how we all agreed to play the you men, snap to it rule, and it make sense when you think about it. Can you imagine a lieutenant trying to give a captain or a major an order? Especially in the Soviet army.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Kar98k.

    I have also considered the massed assault , especially when using a russian mainly infantry based army.

    What i was considering was early game (after purchasing MANY cheap cannon fodder infantry to lead!😁) have an officer snap to 3 lower rank officers who then all snap to further units of maximum filled out infantry (cheap inexperienced types to take the initial fire from an ambush set units) and further officers who then snap to more experienced units to hopefully push right up to the enemy (who have hopefully used their dice already by activating their ambushes)

    I know it sounds like a silly idea but how very SOVIET it would be!! 😂

    I really wasnt hoping for some spectacular gaming the game result but more your cinematic human wave attack the soviets were famous for. (and to put the wind up a player because he runs out of units to shoot with!)

    Im glad to hear my dasterdly plans are actually within the given rules!!! 😁

    I have to give it a try. There must be a way to make this work in a spectacular way, like a game of checkers where the last move jumps and removes all the other players pieces in a single stroke!!

    It will be entertaining at the very least.

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