Judge Dredd – cool, injury & Star chips

Home Forums Science Fiction & Fantasy 2000 AD Judge Dredd – cool, injury & Star chips

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Nat.
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    In judge Dredd, if a models cool goes below 4 due to injury/stun markers do they still add a star chip in to the bag?  Or just a normal action chip?


    As far as I know they Star Chip is always used for a model that starts with Cool 4 or more.  There is a rules thread for Strontium Dog that Chambers used to reply to with a link to a FAQ he did somewhere down about 4 years ago.  AFAIK all the rules sets are based on the original written by Chambers (haven’t had a go at Slaine yet unfortunately).


    Hate to say it… but this is usual for WL isnt it… nice games, but the rulebooks been written for people who know the game :p

    If you’re trying to learn the game just from the book theres a few – eh what do I do now? moments :p

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