Some Academy of Street Fighting/Skirmish questions.

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    Green and other abilities like it (Such as Party Indoctrination) trigger “The first time the unit suffers a casualty” while in Skirmish a single model “is a unit”. Is Green (and variants that are actually paid for, like Party Indoctrination or Mixed Quality) useless in Skirmish?

    Replacements (Fortress Budapest) triggers if “if the squad is reduced to two members or less”. Is it automatically triggered in Skirmish, or triggered when it is “reduced to” that size and thus useless?

    “Show Your Loyalty!” is listed as both a unit special rule (which applies in skirmish) of the Kempeitai Political Officer, but also as an army special rule (which does not) for the Japanese. Does this ability function in a Skirmish game? (Possibly irrelevant if above is no since the rule’s only effect is interacting with Green units)

    A force for a skirmish game “cannot include […] Artillery (i.e. field artillery, anti-tank guns and anti-aircraft guns)”. This list is exhaustive as written (i.e., it says “i.e.,“, meaning “that is” rather than “e.g.,”, meaning “for example”). Does this mean a Sahariana with an auto-cannon (Armies of Italy and the Axis) can be fielded since it is not an “anti-aircraft gun” (a game category for artillery) and not otherwise prohibited (since it is soft skin)?

    A force for a skirmish game “cannot include […] Armoured vehicles (i.e. any vehicle with an
    armour value of 7+ or better)”. This definition is is exhaustive as written (i.e., it says “i.e.,“, meaning “that is” rather than “e.g.,”, meaning “for example”). Does this mean an SAS Armoured Jeep (errata document), or US Airborne Armoured Jeep (Market Garden) can be fielded since they have an armour value of “6+”?

    A force for a skirmish game “cannot include […] Captains or higher ranks” Can the Warlord of Warlord Chinese armies (who provides effects equivalent to a major) be fielded? If no, are Warlord Chinese forces unplayable in Skirmish (since Warlord is the only officer option)?

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Nanashi.

    1) Rules which work on a unit level are ignored as the game works on the individuals level not squad… (so yes Green is ignored)

    2) see 1

    3 ) see 1

    4 + 5) in comon use English IE & EG are interchanageable, basically used as the same thing – heres a non-exahustive list of examples… however both your examples are outliers & I’d need to check their rules….

    6) As Warlord is the only officer option…. well Warlord Chinese are a campaign book list so are opponents concent anyway I’d say up to you and your opponents  OR house rule it so you can take a normal chinese army Lt as the warlords Lt.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Nat.


    Stuart Harrison

    “A force for a skirmish game “cannot include […] Artillery (i.e. field artillery, anti-tank guns and anti-aircraft guns)”. ”

    There are three basic types of units in the game, Infantry, Artillery, and Vehicles.  In this case, the list is sub types/classes of Artillery.  The Sahariana is not Artillery, it’s a Vehicle.

    “A force for a skirmish game “cannot include […] Armoured vehicles (i.e. any vehicle with an
    armour value of 7+ or better)”. ”

    Again, game definitions – there are two types of vehicles, soft skins and armoured vehicles.  The armoured jeep, despite it’s name, is a soft skin with a special rule preventing it taking damage from small arms in the front arc, not an armoured vehicle.

    Alan Hamilton

    QUOTE – 4 + 5) in comon use English IE & EG are interchanageable, basically used as the same thing – heres a non-exahustive list of examples… however both your examples are outliers & I’d need to check their rules….

    For clarity – The two terms are not “commonly” used interchangeably they are “incorrectly” used interchangeably.  In a set of rules the interpretation should be the correct English usage otherwise we have no idea what is actually meant and confusion results.  Just do a Google search for – “i.e. and e.g. difference” or “ie and eg difference” and you will see what I mean.

    The Latin abbreviations e.g. and i.e. are not interchangeable as they mean entirely different things – i.e. (id est) translates as “that is” and refers to qualify exactly something already mentioned (they used assault rifles i.e. AK-47 and M-16 – meaning only these two) : e.g. (exempli gratia) translates as “for example” and gives a non-exhaustive list (they used assault rifles e.g. AK-47 and M-16 – meaning weapons like these two and any others of a similar type including SA-80, AK-74 and others).

    So in this case it depends, as indicated in another post, what the definitions of each category are in the rules.

    Incidentally the 20mm guns commonly fitted to the AS42 Sahariana were the Breda 20/65 mod 35 Anti-aircraft gun and the Solothurn S-18/1000 Anti-tank Rifle.

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Alan Hamilton. Reason: spelling correction
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