Photo gallery of my BRS collection

Home Forums Historical Blood Red Skies Photo gallery of my BRS collection

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  • #188046
    Emmanuel ROY

    Hi everyone,

    I started photographing my collection of BRS planes. I thought I’d share it with you here.

    I’ll post new photos when I manage to take them.

    My planes are from Warlord Games or Armament in Miniatures mostly, with a few from Roc Works and a very few plastic models from trumpeter.

    Decals are from Warlord or Miscellaneous Minis.

    They were all painted by myself. Propellers were made using the technique given on the warlord website.

    I drilled holes below the planes and glued magnets in them. I put round magnets from GreenStuffWorld on theflying bases rods, wich allows me to move the planes around at will.

    I’ll start with the famous zero, the new version from Warlord Games :

    Zeros vs Corsair…

    Vals :

    Oscars. It took me a while to paint the camouflage… 🙄 but I think it was worth it !

    Vs Wildcats

    “Judy” bombers :

    Kates :

    “Franck” fighters :

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Emmanuel ROY.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Emmanuel ROY.
    Emmanuel ROY

    I’ll carry on with a “Betty” bomber, together with a Zero fighter :

    In a group of four :

    Airacobras !

    “Raiden” fighters :

    “Shiden Kai” or “Georges” fighters :

    Fighting Corsairs :

    “Toryu” fighters, once again the camo was a looooong work 😀

    Flying tigers !!

    Toryu and Oscars with their similar camo pattern :

    Zeros escorting a Betty :

    Zeros vs Hellcats :

    Emmanuel ROY

    More japanese and still more americans :

    TBM Avengers :

    Attacked by zeros :

    The largest of them all, the famous B29 :

    One must feel very small indeed next to it…

    Emmanuel ROY

    Greg “Papy” Boyington and the Black Sheep squadron :

    Escorting a Liberator :

    With a very nice nose art from Miscellaneous Miniatures :

    B26 Maraudeurs :

    Airacobras. I couldn’t but not give them their famous shark teeth !

    B25s Mitchell. Those are plastic ones, from Trumpeter. They do an aircraft Carrier at the same scale. I resisted the temptation so far…

    Flying tigers :

    Dauntless :

    Escorted by Wildcats :

    Devastators :

    A Wildcat and a Hellcat :


    Very nice collection you have here.

    I’m not sold on the practical aspect of the magnet but I can’t deny how tremendous it is when it comes to give a cinematic feel on the pictures.

    Really great work you did.

    Emmanuel ROY

    Sorry for not answering you earlier.

    Thank you for your nice comments.

    The rotating magnets are not always practical in games with metal model planes that are heavy, but they work very well with lighter models made of resin or plastic. As you said they are great for photographs ! I should have more photos soon.


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