charge distance

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  • #188719
    kevin duffy

    Could a unit initiate a charge 3 moves from the target hoping for a triple move command roll?  The book does not reflect this.


    East Norfolks

    My understanding is, yes.  You initiate the charge process by giving a command in the Command phase.  Para 1 of page 30 says “we don’t worry whether it is possible to enact the charge at this stage”.

    Note, a charge process can have several moves (up to 3) but only the move that brings them into base contact is the actual charge move – second section of page 59.

    Also worth remembering, you can only charge into the enemy’s quarter you are already in at the start of your turn – second section page 60.

    Big Al

    Yes it can. As the rules state, a charge order is just a mechanic to get a unit to move into contact. Without it a unit cannot make contact with an enemy unit.
    You can issue a Charge order from any distance, but what it means is that the unit must make full moves until it makes contact with an enemy. If it doesn’t contact an enemy, it does not matter, but the unit will make its full, maximum movement. So, if you roll low enough for three moves, your unit will make three full moves towards the enemy – 36 inches for infantry or 54 inches for cavalry!

    Now, one other thing, the actual charge is the final move into contact. It is important that at the start of that final move, your unit has a clear line of sight to the target unit. If the target is out of sight, say, the other side of a hill or there is an intervening friendly unit between the chargers and the enemy, then the contact cannot be made! It is also at that point that the enemy can react to the charge – cavalry May countercharge or turn to face, skirmishers May evade and infantry may attempt to form square.

    by the way, just to be clear, using Initiative results in just a single move. I don’t believe that was what you meant, but I thought I’d mention it just the same.

    Hope that clarifies. It really is all in the book, but I don’t have mine with me to give you chapter and verse right now! I think it is under the section entitled “Charge”.

    kevin duffy

    Thank you for the replies.  The section in book about charging seems to only talk about the last move to contact, which was confusing to me.  but your answers reflect how my group has been playing.


    To get really nitpicky, you orders are “intentions” not charge moves.  Even if you order a “charge”, from a technical perspective, it does not become a “charge” move unless you can contact the enemy.  Instead, it is simply an intent to contact the enemy.  You can technically declare an intent to “charge” an enemy you have no chance of reaching.  All the declaration does is determine the path along which your unit will move.

    Then you roll to determine how many “moves”, you get.  If you come up short for whatever reason, you unit is not executing a “charge move”, it is simply moving and so your opponent will not be able to react to it.

    If you roll enough moves to make contract, then the last move becomes the “charge” move.  The “charge” move triggers the opponent’s right to “react” to the charge (closing fire, countercharge, etc.).  So, if you don’t get close enough to do a “charge” move, your opponent does not get a “charge” reaction.

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