How to use non-listed ships in Black Seas

Home Forums Historical Black Seas How to use non-listed ships in Black Seas

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  • #188906

    I saw this forum post for VaS, about how to bring non-listed ship types into the game

    This is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately for Black Seas, so I thought I would ask if anyone has some tips. Do any of you have some experience with this?


    Are you on FB?  Gabbio (the author) is active in the Official Black Seas group so should be able to help you out with how to bring other ships in

    (sorry I cant be any help… with VaS I’ve been in discussions on the ship stats because of points issues since pretty much the games release by warlord! but my BS fleet is still in dry dock … ok most of its waiting for the purser to actually purchase it :/… but it will happen this year!)

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Nat.

    Thanks, but no, not on FB, sorry. Hope your fleet gets salted before the storms of winter!

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