fire at will below breaking point

Home Forums Historical Black Seas fire at will below breaking point

  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Jorge.
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    Hello friends!. what do you think of this situation?
    A third rate of 74 points, he received a final barrage that took him down from 25 points (his breaking point) to 11 points, leaving him in a situation of , when it is his turn to be activated, he must test his ability to see if he lowered the flag and give up or not, and keep fighting.
    But before his moment of activation and consequent skill test arrived, he fired his volley of fire at will with the corresponding s penalties. The one with half cannons and -2 for fire at will.
    Would it be okay, if he could shoot like that while waiting for his activation to show whether or not he can continue in the fight?


    Hi Jorge!

    Happy to see that you are still sailing!

    In the English version of the rules (Black Seas, 3rd printing, page 28; “Additional Rule: Strike the Colours”) it says:

    As soon as a ship drops below its Break Value, for whatever reason, and every time it activates after that, make a Skill Test. If this fails, the ship will Strike the Colours and surrender.

    So immediately after the damage has bean received, taking the 3rd Rate below the break value, the ship has to make a Skill Test. If the test passes, the ship can Fire as she Bears as usual, but she has to take a Skill Test again when activating. If the first test fails, the ship Strikes her Colours directly, before she has a chance to activate, and cannot Fire as she Bears.

    I hope that helps!


    You are very welcome!

    Cool pictures! I like the sinking ship! Did you make it yourself?


    That’s how it is. I did it. It is very “homemade” and fast, without much pretension since I am not very skilled. It serves to encourage you to do something like this quickly without much effort.
    Both are brigantines, but one has a third rate deck and a leftover rear mirror, face mask fabric remains of scattered small things sitting on cold moldable ceramic.
    And the idea of showing photos is to share games between third rate boats only, since it is rarely seen on YouTube. There are always brigantines and frigates.
    We are three friends and we have several third and first graders. We’re just getting started.
    In these photos, I introduced the line formation into the game (trying to achieve the position of the wind in favor and then turn on the rivals), creating “confusion and apprehension” in my two opponents since we do not know its benefits but psychologically it presented itself. “dangerous”. Finally, between the line formation, although the leading ship in the lead, the Bucentaure took fire and to put it out quickly I used the +2 to the skill test but as a penalty for taking it I had to continue straight without being able to turn, which pushed it away from me of the formation until it could turn and affect, the strategy of winning the wind, and the inexperience of my rookie opponents like me, gave the victory to the line formation, which always activates together and first if it is with the wind in favor achieving 2 sinkings and another damaged against 1 surrendered


    Fantastic! Thanks for sharing!


    Thank you for the help!!!

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