La Haye Sainte Final assault scenario, epic black powder

Home Forums Historical Black Powder La Haye Sainte Final assault scenario, epic black powder

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Cliff.
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  • #189274

    La Haye Sainte Final assault scenario, how do you count the independent units toward brigade or army breaking?


    Seems like if the independents don’t count for those at all, the French can only win by taking La Haye Sainte.


    Now I dont have epic BP…..

    But independant units shouldnt count towards brigades breaking but SHOULD count towards to overal army…. ie I’d count them as an unbrakeable brigade of mauraders who’s brigade commander is your army commander.

    Also the French wining by taking the LaHaye Sainte only fits with the history of the battle.



    I was able to ask the Author my question:

    Me:  “La Haye Sainte Final assault scenario, how do you count the independent units toward brigade or army breaking?

    Seems like if the independents don’t count for those at all, the French can only win by taking La Haye Sainte.”

    Adrian McWalter:  “…all the ‘British’ units count as one brigade in total, hope that helps”

    So I think that settles it for me, two brigades for the ‘Allies’, follow normal brigade/army break rules.

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Cliff.
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