Reply To: One-shot flamethrowers

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action One-shot flamethrowers Reply To: One-shot flamethrowers

Nigel Heather

This question has reminded me just how poor the rule books are.


Firstly, no index – this is a good argument for the PDF, not only are they are lot cheaper but you can search them.  If starting over, that’s what I would do, but unfortunately I like physical books and have amassed a good collection so when it comes to buy a new one I go physical so that it matches my collection.

Anyway I found I could not answer your question.

The standard rules for a flamethrower team gives them indefinite fuel – they could last the whole game they might run out quickly – the luck of the die.  The rules say that when the flamethrower runs out the team are removed as if they were casualties.  But it also clarifies that if the flamethrower team is part of a squad then only the weapon guy dies, the loader stays with the squad as an infantryman, presumably with a rifle.

But as you say there is a rule for late war light flamethrower that has one or two uses, but you are right that it doesn’t make it clear what happens to the crew when the flamethrower is expended.  Seems a bit unfair that the squad ides – I know that happens with the standard flamethrower but they could get lots of use, maybe survive the whole game.

I wonder whether it should be played more like a Panzerfaust.

The German book does say that it uses the ‘Use Once Weapon’ special rule but I can’t find this rule – another gripe about the books, they should make the special rules easier to find.