Reply To: Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover.

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover. Reply To: Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover.


“To repeat what was said earlier, the answer is simple – game balance (it stops you poking one guy out with say a rifle to put a pin on a unit while keeping the rest untouchable.) and to help (as the rulebook says it the same paragraph) give the impression that everything /model is fluid and in motion…”

Thats pretty silly (simple all right).  Then everyone behind cover should be able to shoot as, “everything/model is fluid and in motion…”

“poking one guy out with say a rifle to put a pin on a unit while keeping the rest untouchable”   That would seem a pretty viable way to do things in reality (and he can be shot) as opposed to saying everyone is running around out of hard cover to get shot like chickens with their heads cut off.