Reply To: War wagons

Home Forums Historical Hail Caesar War wagons Reply To: War wagons


I appreciate your plausible interpretation. It might be useful to remember that the Egyptian temple reliefs contain more than a little propaganda? I believe pharaoh destroyed 2500 Hittite chariots at Kadesh – single-handed!

I don’t think the ox wagons of the Sea Peoples to be any sort of APC. It is not impossible that they could be used as a relatively * slow-moving barrier – not unlike how the Goths used their wagons at Adrianople or even the Boer wagon lagers.  Just because such transports were intended for civilian use does not preclude the impossibility of a military application. At any rate, there are so many gaps in our understanding of Bronze Age military history that I feel I can use the ox wagons as a type of war wagon without overly stretching possibility.

So for me: war wagon.

* in gaming terms, the wagons must move at infantry speeds or they are useless.

  • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Donald.
  • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Donald.
  • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Donald.