Hauptmann Heinrich Gross

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  • #189543
    L.T. Russell

    Has anyone else tried using this unit?  I did and to me it’s got major problems.  Because it’s 5 men you lose the small unit defense.  The sniper can’t forward deploy/set up.  Only Hauptmann Gross has Fast, so how exactly does this unit move together?  How do you determine if Hauptmann Gross kills an enemy in hand-to-hand combat, if he’s part of this unit?

    It almost seems to me that this expensive unit needs 3 Order dice.  One for Gross, one for the medic and one of the troopers and one for the sniper and the other trooper….

    Attention Span Labs

    Going by what is implied in Resurgence p. 24, then Gross has to move at normal speed unless the rest of his unit is wiped out. For hand to hand combat, he still only gets one attack so pair off the troops in a combat and see if he wins, giving him a separate color die as you would for weapons of a different type so you know who rolled what.

    L.T. Russell

    THANKS for your reply, Attention Span Labs!  I like the idea of rolling a separate colored die for Hauptmann Gross.  I hadn’t thought of that….

    Do you see my overall point though; that the Hauptmann Gross unit is expensive, while losing several of the capabilities of the intrinsic sub units?  IMO, the unit is not as well thought out as the Commissar Drugov unit, which is simpler and costs less than half the points.  Maybe if you removed the medic and gave Hauptmann Gross Nachtalben instead of the Waffen SS shocktroopers.  Then at least the whole unit could benefit from moving Fast, although still losing some of the benefits of having a Sniper.   Or maybe remove/separate the Sniper too and just lower the point cost….

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by L.T. Russell. Reason: Grammar error
    Attention Span Labs

    You can certainly give the unit multiple order dice and use Snap-to-Action all the time if you want them to coalesce around him.

    I have no opinion on the cost of the unit. I never play game with points and I don’t care about ‘competitive’ lists, metagaming, tournaments, and so on. I’m a scenario/campaign gamer.

    L.T. Russell

    I hear you, but I still worry about unit costs, even in scenarios that I’m designing.


    We have some highly-ranked tournament players in our group, but I’ve got no interest there either.  I will act as a sparring partner though, just ’cause I like to play….

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