Price Disparity

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  • #189669
    Brett Morris

    I’m trying to figure out why there is such a huge price disparity between UK prices and ROW prices.

    I was hoping to purchase a couple of French Char 2C Tanks. The UK price is 55 GBP each, which is $105 AUS. The ROW price is $88 US each, which is $134 AUS. A difference in pricing of nearly $30 AUS per vehicle.



    Richard C


    As a fellow Aussie I feel you pain, I don’t buy my figs anymore I print them. The distributor here in AUD treats as if we are mugs (and we aren’t 40K players) 🙂

    Warlords need to stop treating AUD and NZ like it’s treasure island. I have a whole DoW 1812 army ready to print from a great graphic artist. The figs and poses are better than any plastics from the major players. Each Kickstarter the numbers are increasing, the message to Warlords: Customers are your business, don’t be lazy with distribution model as Hornby are as well, putting eggs in one basket in a region breeds complacency and in the end harms your business. What % of your OZ distributor sales are Warlord Games, why is he going to care about your stuff? Make the effort to sort out the region and your sales will grow!

    Nigel C

    Yeah, New Zealander, I haven’t ordered from Warlord since the change to the ROW system. Just checked and it would cost me $106 NZD to get a Hetzer. Absurd.

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