Reply To: Light Machine Guns as part of an Infantry Section and Medium Machine Guns

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Light Machine Guns as part of an Infantry Section and Medium Machine Guns Reply To: Light Machine Guns as part of an Infantry Section and Medium Machine Guns

invisible officer

The main problem is that the gamer has a composition option at all. So the math wizards are building unhistorical monster units.


In German army the LMG was the last weapon to drop. Every soldier was trained to serve it and most units collected more in battle. Not just the German ones but also British or Soviet. Esp. in the defensive fights of 44/45 the extra firepower for a unit was valued. If a weapon was overheated no barrel change but just using another.


The other problem is the low effect in game. The reason is, that a game gets boring when the gamers avoid the arcs of fire. Like in real war.