Unit Size question

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    Richard C

    I’m new to HC and my interest has been peaked by Epic so working on the Manipular model of republican romans where there are 10 units of Velites, Hastati and Principles and 5 of Triarii. Is a unit (maniple) one base? That would be only 10 frames 🙂




    Charge The Guns

    Hi Richard, Until the Epic release comes out we can’t be sure how they will model the manipular system.  In the original HC army lists they give Republican legions small units and some special rules around swapping in and out of melee.  We tried this and it was “fiddly”.  We went back to regular sized units jyst the special rules for swapping the lines.

    Ultimately I think it comes down to whether you want to try and replicate each single maniple in a game with multiple legions.  The author of the Epic supplement has said in an interview I heard that he wanted to show the checkerboard formation.  I suspect we will see an abstraction of the manipular system.

    Richard C

    Watching 7th Son YouTube channel maniples are two bases, so a Roman legion will be 60 bases in heavy infantry and 20 bases of light infantry. So 20 sprues! Cav is five models to a base and two bases to a unit so in 20 sprues there will be 4 units of heavy and light Roman cavalry.

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