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I know you are coming at this having just 1 box, so it poses a unique challenge

(On the 2 platoon thing being cheating or not: As it’s all point based, it’s all good. Unless you are in some tournament or scenario that specially says 1 platoon max per player. I know when we started it was a way for us to use our then limited pool of figures.)

I would probably make the infantry units a little smaller (8 total?), and see if you can squeeze in an extra order die somewhere? perhaps another bazooka which you said comes in the box. Needn’t be veteran.

Also, I see one has a few  SMGs. With the US national rifle ability of “move and fire without penalty” it feels like less of a gain for them to have SMGs, but it is still fine if you are thinking this is your close assault unit or something. Engineers are really the best for that, though, of course.

Just some random thoughts. I hope some US-army players will add in their  2 cents’ worth.