Forward Deployers

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Forward Deployers

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  • #190439
    Ken Jacobsen

    Looking for help/direction with this.  Certain scenarios state that no units are deployed on the board at the start of he game. I believe I saw somewhere (this forum, FAQ, other forums) that this does NOT apply to Forward Deployers. Can someone please confirm or deny that?

    Thanks in advance.

    Stuart Harrison

    FAQ, p28

    “If units with special deployment rules are part of the first wave then
    their special deployment rules take precedence. However, in certain
    scenarios with first wave it also says no units are allowed on the
    board during the start of the game. Do forward deployment units still
    deploy in that situation? The scenario in question is Key positions,
    but there are a few others with the same wording.
    If they are part of the first wave, these units (snipers, spotters,
    observers…) can deploy as stated even in scenarios that say
    ‘no units start on the table’, because their special rule takes
    precedence. If instead they’re held in Reserve, they cannot. “

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