Indirect Fire Question

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    Per page 101… “When firing using indirect fire, a 6 is required to hit, regardless of any modifier.  In the following turn, if the shooter receives a Fire order and if the target unit has not moved from their position, a hit is scored on a 5+ (to count as ‘moved’, every model in the unit must end its move at least 2″ away from the position of any models in the unit the previous turn).  So, how do people interpret this.  In our game, there were three thoughts:

    1) The unit must move 2″ in any direction
    2) The unit must move as far as necessary to be more than 2″ away from any model that previously marked the location of the unit.  As an example, if a unit is 7″ across and 3″ deep (approx 5 models wide and 2 models deep).  It would have to advance by 5″ forward or backward so that every model is at least 2” away from the “footprint” occupied by the unit previously.
    3) The unit must advance or run (the 2″ is more of a “suggestion”, the idea is that the unit cannot stay put, and so must advance or run, or be subject to being zeroed in on by indirect fire)

    We all read the rule slightly differently, I don’t want to bias any responses.  In most instances, it really won’t matter, in some instances, units in certain formations may find it impossible to execute option 2 above.  That leads to a follow-on question.  If a unit cannot get more than 2″ away from the original footprint and so is now hit on a 5+, does the new “footprint” become the current location or do you retain the previous footprint with respect to starting the targeting all over again.


    So this is the same as v2 (both wording and how it works)

    When you target a unit, it has a footprint area.  In order to have moved far enough away from that area no model can be within 2″ of it after its move.

    Now this means most vehicles will have advance forwards as a reverse of 4.5″ wont be enough for the front to be 2″ further back than the rear was before it moved.
    It also means that unless the infantry unit was in a line or 3″ group a normal advance wont be enough either.  So my rule of thumb is if a unit has 6+ models and its not run it’ll get hit again.

    TLDR – number 2 is the answer.

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by Nat.
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