Reply To: 3rd vs 2nd

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I did not say, I do not like V3 or that I did not agree with the changes to tank MMG fire (I do for the reasons you mentioned), just that they are less intimidating.  In V2, tanks could control a part of the battlefield as no one wanted to contest ground against a tank with 2 or more MMGs.  Now, a large infantry unit can seize an objective an absorb the tank fire for two or more turns.  I am looking forward to playing a game in more open terrain (we have been gaming the Pacific as part of our Fall campaign).  I do not play in tournaments, so my observation was purely one of comparing V2 to V3 in how the game plays.  I do wish they had preserved the “reinforced platoon” as an option, especially for smaller point games. Regarding assaults, we feel that if the defender fires at an assaulting unit prior to the assault, then combat should be simultaneous even if the defending unit is in cover, but we play the rules as written.