New Book Quality

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    Nigel Heather

    I held off buying the V3 Core Rules for a while – I was pretty miffed having relatively recently collected the V2 Core Rules and ten army and campaign books and now find that they are considered to be obsolete.

    But I saw a decent deal on the Core Rules so decided to get that at least.

    But this post is about the quality of the V3 core rule book versus the V2 rule book and I’m sorry to say that it is pretty disappointing.

    The V3 is  bit thicker and has about 100 extra pages but the presentation is much poorer.  The paper feels thin and lower quality compared with the the V2 book.  The printing and photos looks more burry, not as sharp as the V2 book.  The print contrast is lower and the font smaller making it more difficult to read than the V2 book.  The V3 paper has more of a rougher, matt and dirtier appearance than V2 clean, smooth, glossy paper.  Overall, I find the V2 book much easier to read with my old eyes.

    The rules may be better, there may be more information, I’ve not read enough to tell yet, but the initial impression of the physical quality is quite a downgrade.  Based on that drop in quality, I won’t be buying any more physical V3 books – I’ll just get the digital versions and only those that I absolutely need.


    UPDATE: Also just noticed that the paper is quite smelly, not unpleasant but a pretty noticeable odour.


    Duncan McEwen

    I will agree that the new V3 rule book needs some more editing.  I am glad I got the digital version and I sincerely hope that Warlords puts some more time into correcting items before the next print run.

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