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Andy Hobday

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American War of Independence 1776-1783, Black Powder, Latest News

New: Rebellion! – Black Powder Supplement

Released today is our Black Powder American War of Independence supplement, Rebellion! Buy now! This glorious 144-page full-colour book, written by Steve Jones, comes with a free eighteenth century Continental Army officer figure sculpted by Alan Perry himself! Who else would you ask to design a new figure for an American War of Independence book?…

Bolt Action

New: A7V, WWI German tank

Today’s sees us release the first of our new range of 1:56 scale World War One resin vehicles. We’re kicking things off with the German A7V but there are plenty more on the way! One hundred chassis were ordered in early 1918 with ten intended to be finished as fighting vehicles with armoured bodies (this…

Black Powder, Bolt Action, Latest News

New: Bocage set 2

Created by Mandertory Miniatures to expand and complement their initial Bocage set 1, this new set (inventively known as Bocage Set 2!) provides you with end pieces, bends, angled corners and even a ruined cowshed! This will allow you to create irregular shaped fields and hedgerows – ideal for use as bocage in the Normandy countryside or as…

Bronze Age, Hail Caesar

New: More from Cutting Edge

This week we have more from the Cutting Edge Miniatures Bronze Age range. Following on from thosewe released for the New Kingdom Egyptian and Hittite armies recently, you can use these archers and javelinmen to widen your range of troop options even further. These models represent Hupshu or peasant Archers levied into the city-state armies…