All posts by

Andy Hobday

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Bolt Action

Preview: New Bolt Action Introductory Game

Released this month is the brand new introductory game for Bolt Action, crafted to be the best way to start wargaming battles during World War II using our incredibly popular rules system. Peter Dennis has pulled out all the stops on this latest artwork which sees American GIs taking on German Heer supported by a…

Black Powder, Latest News, The Plains Wars 1850s-1890s

New: Comanche Warriors

This week sees the release of more Comanches in conjunction with Conquest Miniatures. The Comanches were fierce warriors who lived on the Southern Plains. They were formidable opponents who developed strategies for using traditional weapons for fighting on horseback. Warfare was a major part of Comanche life. View in Store Historically, the Comanches were hunter-gatherers…