All posts by

Andy Hobday

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Webstore: German Army Propagandakompanie Cameraman

Battlefield Reporters were used throughout the Second World War by almost every side. They played a hugely important role in documenting the action and driving the propaganda machine – with all sides using the gathered footage to spin to their advantage and keep their countrymen back home on-side and behind the war effort. The presence…


Webstore: Concord Plasma Light Support Drone

In the Antarean universe ‘drone’ is a cover-all term for self- aware machines that are capable of intelligent decision-making. Drones have a sense of identity and personality, although some have only rudimentary or narrowly focussed characters depending on their role. Concord Weapon Drones are usually employed to carry support or heavy weapons. They are propelled…


Webstore: Egyptian Chariot Squadron

The Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth dynasties comprise the age of the Egyptian New Kingdom (1550-1077BC). During these years a succession of warrior pharaohs led Egyptian forces in wars of conquest, southwards to Nubia and northwards to Canaan, Amurru and Syria. At the forefront of the pharaohs’ armies were the most powerful weapons of the new…