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Dan Hewitson

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Judge Dredd, Profiles

The Wheels of Justice: Introducing the Lawmaster

The Wheels of Justice: Introducing the Lawmaster

Covering the entire east coast of America, Mega-City One needs an exhaustive road system. A labyrinth of zoomtubes, meg-ways and zipstrips, this arterial network connects every citi-block, mall and plaza in the sprawling metropolis. By extension this allows citizens—and perps—access to every nook and cranny of the mega-city. The Justice Department, therefore, needs a vehicle…

Bolt Action, Products

New: TTCombat Stalingrad Scenery Sets

New: TTCombat Stalingrad Scenery Sets

The new Stalingrad Scenery sets, care of our friends at TTCombat, are perfect to enliven a battlefield. They are invaluable for many of scenarios in Campaign Stalingrad. Skirmish at the Volgograd Tractor Plant or mount a stoic defence of Pavlov’s house – these kits really make a tabletop battlefield resonate. In Stalingrad, after intense Luftwaffe…

Cruel Seas, Products

A Look Inside: Cruel Seas Close Quarters!

A Look Inside: Cruel Seas Close Quarters!

  What is Close Quarters? Cruel Seas enjoyed enormous success when it was launched back in 2018. As a result, there emerged quite a scope for further development of the system. The result of these labours is Close Quarters! Written by John Lambshead, the supplement expands the game in three key areas: with the introduction…

Konflikt '47, Resources

Latest FAQ, Errata & New Rules: Konflikt ’47

Latest FAQ, Errata & New Rules: Konflikt ’47

We present the latest FAQ and errata for Konflikt ’47, updated May 04 2020. Additionally, this document includes new previously-experimental rules, that have now been playtested within the community to a stage that they are now ready for inclusion within the standard rules: Suppressive Fire Certain weapons, particularly machine guns, have a role on the…