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Graham Davey

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Webstore: Tree and Brushes Foliage Spray

Tree & Bush Foliage Spray is for fixing foliage to your Trees, Bushes, Headgerows and Brambles. Just spray the adheasive onto your desired area, sprinkle your foliage, and spray to seal. PLEASE NOTE THAT DUE TO THE NATURE OF PRESSURIZED SPRAY CANS WE CAN ONLY SELL THIS TO THE UK AND MAINLAND EUROPE VIA ROAD….


Webstore: Static Grass Basing Glue 500ml

Static Grass Basing Glue is for the first layer of static grass on your baseboards, models, dioramas or war boards. This glue is made for Static Grass and will give you a long lasting and hardened base. For your multi layering check out our Static Grass Layering Spray. This Static Grass Basing Glue comes in…


Webstore: 250ml Tufts Glue

Self Adhesive Tufts Glue 1 x 250ml very tacky glue with detail nozzle and cap. Ideal for making your own Self Adhesive Static Grass Tufts using our Pro Grass Applicator. PLEASE NOTE THAT DUE TO THE NATURE OF THIS PRODUCT WE CAN ONLY SELL THIS TO THE UK AND MAINLAND EUROPE.