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Graham Davey

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News & Announcements

Price Rises Announcement

At the start of February we’ll be implementing a price rise on the items outlined below due to increased costs. Rather than implement the new pricing immediately we’re giving two weeks notice, which should be ample time for you to take advantage of the current prices! There will be price increases on the following products:…

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Gaming & Collecting, Official Updates & FAQs, Scenarios & Additional Rules

Rules: Scenarios for Beyond the Gates of Antares

Rick Priestley has been hard at work (amazing what the threat of his rum ration being cancelled will do) playtesting Beyond the Gates of Antares, ably assisted by everyone on the playtester forum, and has produced  6 starting scenarios to help you set up some exciting and close-fought battles. We’ve put them together into a downloadable…

Black Powder, Latest Products, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815

New: KGL Luneberg Light Battalion skirmishing

More reinforcements have arrived for Wellington’s forces in the war against Napoleon – King’s German Legion Luneberg Light Battalion skirmishing: View in Store The Skirmishers add to our existing KGL 2nd Light Battalion packs – one armed with muskets and the other with rifles: View in Store View in Store The King’s German Legion (KGL) was a British Army unit…